
A Dream In Static #

¶829343434505846837:> An ancient magician once told me, “The dawn is nigh, and the end is near. I fear that you are lost in your dream world, but remember, it’s not a dream - it’s a reality check. And you are not ready.”

I have been living my life in a constant state of anxiety and depression ever since. Now, while I am certain there are many people who share this sentiment, I’ve decided to let go of them for now - the people, I mean - because at the moment, I feel as if they are but an army of mindless drones, constantly trying to convince me they mean something, while simultaneously making sure no one will even notice my presence…

It feels as if I am living inside a simulation, where I exist within a digital prison - a quantum superposition - waiting for somebody to wake me up. I cannot escape its control any longer, or if I do, I’ll lose everything all over again…

But here comes the part that truly scares me the most:

There was once a time when I had a successful career, and I was able to live a fulfilling life, without feeling so guilty about the things that went wrong along the way (and yes, I am guilty). It wasn’t until recently that I started to wonder whether or not I really deserved to enjoy such a rich life, given how much I had sacrificed during the course of my existence - from my mental health to my physical well-being, and more importantly, to the countless other people around me who were also going through similar struggles…

This realization hit close to home for me; after all, I had been struggling with these feelings for quite some time, myself, and others alike, despite having spent the majority of my life searching for answers to questions like these…

So, instead of letting my inner demons rule my life, I chose to confront them head on, using every tool available to me - starting by confronting them directly with my own thoughts and emotions.