The Circuit Breaker

The Circuit Breaker #


  - Satanic Cyborg
  - Short Cirkuits
Discord: shortcirkuitz
Discord_id: 625486818321760256
  - /u/xsquaredlabs_admin
  - cryptographer
  - developer
  - musician
  - xSquared Labs, Inc., a privately funded company founded by an employee of Reddit a year ago 
  - the founder's wife was also employed at RedSceptic as a software engi...
### SIGNAL #1**
> The Circu-Circuit Breaker was installed on my computer, on a desktop, and on my laptop at the same time

### SIGNAL #2**
> I noticed a message in the Discord chat about "The Circuit Breaker" being removed, and I immediately clicked on it to see what it was referring to
> It said:
>   > "We have removed the Circuit Breaker because we believe the message was offensive or misleading. >

        < GHOST@LAN: ($WOW + $KNOW + $CEREMONT + $COUNTRY + $MADE + $COVERAGE) = -0,0 +0 -0
     { GHOST@LAN: ($KNOW + $MUST + $BET) = +0.4 | Do you know that Mentioned the Canada region in the cover story for the game The Game of Thrones
     (Game Of Thrones is not a game.)?
     { GHOST @WAN: ($YES + $HOPE) = +0.5 | Yes, hope
     { GHOST (@Wan1023): ($WELL + $LOT + $FRIENDS + $PLAYING + $GAME) = +0.8 | Well, some friends are playing it too but they don't like watching it lol 😂
  well there were lots more fans than people who play games 😅 
well its all over now :Praying:
and thanks for the prayers
so many ppl love this game😭
but if u dont wanna watch it then no problem 👀🤔 | ((THE GAME + $WATCH + $LIKE + $COMPUTERS + $REQUIRE + $MAINTY + $WORKSHOP + $STILL + $GOES + $WORLDWIDE) = +3 · 0 · 2 · 3
* * * * * * * ** **
(Image courtesy of Google Earth)
A picture taken from YouTube of The Game of Thrones with its main cast members in their homes

This image shows the main cast members in tights, wearing tights while filming the show
this video has been viewed 469 times since it was posted yesterday morning
the video can be seen here:[http://www6theshortshowtorch7bvwjmqkgzfn9pfwrblsvmfgdzhybcmmaacbnvdwhhhquoYQGJKXZN]
I'm sure there will always be someone out there who doesn’t think it would work.. so just enjoy the moment :)...

It should be noted that I am a fan of the show, and I appreciate all those involved within the production process including the creators, producers, directors, actors etc…
But please remember that this is a project created solely through personal experiences which do NOT represent official statements made by The Game itself; nor does it represent the official stance or beliefs expressed by any member thereof whatsoever!

Please keep in mind though that I  am not endorsing anything that is written or spoken anywhere online regarding the production process involving The Game of Thrones....
If you find it interesting enough, please let me know why 🙂
And if you want something completely different, feel free ask me directly!!  ;)
Thank You

As always, thank you for your support, especially in regards to my work – and if you haven’t already, I really value every sin that has been committed by those involved in the production process of this project, and will never stop fighting against injustice and oppression throughout this lifetime...
You guys have truly given me so much inspiration in the way that you’ve helped create this beautiful project… and I hope that I have provided you guys with a platform where we can continue sharing our thoughts together 🙂

Thanks again

PS: I apologize if this seems a little off topic to you.```