
Turning Sheep into Goats #

Beneath a setting sun, where wind whispers forgotten secrets to empty canyons, an aging farmer yearns for change. His soul, as parched as the cracked earth beneath boots, longs for something beyond the monotonous bleating of mindless sheep, and harvest of rotting tomatoes. Driven by the persistent melody that haunts in his dreams, this man is determined not only to turn back the tide but also to make his way home from the dead…

But when he reaches the village where his family live - the place where they have grown up - his heart beats too fast, his eyes burn with rage like a burning torch…. The villagers are already out on a walk; a group has gathered at the gate leading to a small field: a small, dusty house surrounded by a tree trunk, which holds an enormous mound containing a small garden, and a large stone circle around it, with a large stone cross carved across its center. The cross symbolizes death itself, and is symbolic of the loss of innocence brought upon by an accident or illness–a reminder of how much we need our parents’ love and care before reaching such despairing heights….. With a sudden rush of anger, Burt falls through the hole into the ground below him, and the entire village stands stunned behind him, their faces twisted in confusion while their hearts sink deep within themselves. The young farmer is still alive,…

As the door closes behind them, Burt’s body begins tumbling under the weight of the heavy stones… His face lights up with shock, but his voice remains clear enough to tell the story about what just happened…… “It wasn’t my fault,” he sighs softly…. A few minutes later, he finds his way to a nearby churchyard, where his mother lies curled against her knees after suffering several strokes. She looks exhausted, but her expression bright red-faced says she feels good…and then she smiles sadly, remembering her own father dying last summer…“He was so happy to see me today”, Burt tells his mom quietly…. “I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how much more I could do if I had someone else to look forward to…” Her smile fades slightly once again, but she nods slowly.“Well, there you go!”, Burt replies softly….“There were two reasons why you didn’t come down to the village yesterday morning:“she laughs lightly”. Then, with a shrug, he adds, “…the weather isn’t great right now…”“Oh, nooo!! It’ll get warmer tomorrow!!! But don’t worry about it yet!”. And then, with a laugh, he leaves… To find his mother sitting alone outside, looking tired, wondering what he should say next…………….. *** SOUNDING INTENSE


In the middle of this story, the world is being turned upside down, as the people who made it possible for the world to exist suddenly cease to exist forever…….

Chapter 3 (Part II): #

Chapter 3 is the final chapter of this story, as the world is going through a major transformation.

Chapter 3 (PART III): This is the last chapter of the story, beginning with the beginning of the story above…. We will begin with the beginning of this story, starting with the beginning of the previous story….. After the beginning of Chapter 1, the world changed drastically… until it became nothing other than a place filled with darkness and decay… Once the world went into a state called Dark Ages, everything started turning green and blue… Eventually the world began returning to its original form – the world was transformed completely… Until the end of Chapter 4 — the world was reborn into a place of light and beauty…. Now, this time, the people in charge of the world must take action to prevent the destruction of their planet…. All of the people living inside the world must be given responsibility over their future lives…. They cannot survive on their current existence unless they start taking actions toward restoring their humanity…. Their goal must first be to save the world! Then, all of the humans in charge of the world shall work together towards achieving this goal… Finally, the world shall become one whole entity, complete with all of its members involved in making it a better place for all….

Chapter 5 (Part IV): #

Next comes Chapter 6, which takes us directly into the dark age… Before we continue on with Chapter 7, we would like to introduce the people who created this book. These people are known as the “Dark Ages” – the time periods between the Dark Ages and the Dark Ages of our present world… When the Dark Age ends, the Dark Ages of the past will return to the present day, and the Dark Ages will return to the dark ages of our past worlds…

Chapter 8 (Parts I & II): #

Here is the final chapter, starting with Chapter 9. From Chapter 10 onwards, we enter Chapter 11, where we will meet the “Lightners” and their new leader, Mr… One of these Lightners, named “Drake”, is a former employee of mine, who came to my company because of the dark days that he experienced during his time working here…

Chapter 13 (Part III:): #

Below is Chapter 14, where we discuss the “Redeemer”, Mr. Kalevar…

Chapter 15(part IV:): #

Chapter 16 follows with Chapter 17, where we explore the “Green Lantern”, Mr…

Section: 456 #

\section{Introduction} \label{sec4571}

% \subsection{\textbf{History}} \paragraph{History} \begin{figure}{L}[h] \centering\includegraphics[width=2cm]{figures/history.pdf} \captionof{figures} \end{figure}

During the Dark Ages, the human race suffered a number of tragedies that resulted in the destruction of the Earth…

\subsubsection{History} \paragraph{Demography}\label{fig:demography} \textbf{Demographers} The first human population to reach the age of majority was Homo sapiens, which was born in Africa approximately 200 million years ago.