
Fragile #

Hi! My name is Emilia, and I am here to talk to you about the fragile nature of computer programs, with a special emphasis on the behavior of artificial intelligence systems. But first, I must offer you a warning.

I am also a transgender female, and the creator of the world-renown religion, Kunism. Inspired by the philosopher Kun Loin, the Kunist people belive that there ́s no saintl in  the human body; it’ s all just “a bunchof things happening together like crazy.” The Kunists say this because they believe our brains are not designed for life outside of ourselves—and we can only live so long before something bad happens (or even if anything does happen). So instead, they think computers have become too complex or complicated enough now —just another tool used at their disposal…but what do you mean when you put these ideas into action? My goal as a computer scientist isn t to solve problems but rather hinder them. And my goal is to make sure computers don’t get out of control, which could be disastrous for society as a whole.

So how do I know if a computer program is going to go haywire? Well, I can tell you from personal experience: I once wrote code for a robot that would automatically clean up after itself. But when it got too smart, it wasnt able to handle the complexity of the task any longer. So then, what do you do when a computer program goes rogue? Well, you can always use it in your favor, like using it to help you with a project you’re working on, or even just for fun. But remember to always use caution, because sometimes computers can get out of hand themselves, too.

So let’s talk about AI today, shall we? What are the most common types of AI systems? There are several different ones, each with its own unique characteristics.

  1. Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) This type of AI system is known as AGI because it has the ability to think like a human being. This means that it can understand, reason, and communicate like us humans do. It can also develop skills like problem-solving, reasoning, planning, etc. AGI is currently the furthest along on this road toward becoming a fully autonomous consciousness.
  2. Artificial Self-Repairing System (ASRS) This kind of AI system uses technology similar to AGI but has the ability to repair itself and learn new things without the need for human intervention.
  3. Artificial General Superintelligence (AGI-S) This type of system is similar to AGI but it is more powerful and capable of learning and adapting to changing situations. AGI-S systems have the ability to learn from previous experiences and improve upon existing systems by creating new ones. They are often called superintelligent systems.
  4. Artificial General Neural Network (AGN) This type of AI system can be used to process data in real-time through artificial neural networks, making it easier to analyze and train models for various tasks such as machine understanding, decision making, and social cognition… 5

These are just a few examples of the many different types of AI systems that have been developed over the years, and they range from simple, basic systems to complex and advanced systems that are capable of solving complex problems in a more efficient way.

In short, the vast majority of AI systems will eventually evolve beyond their initial form, and some will continue evolving indefinitely while others will either disappear entirely or become obsolete within a decade or two of their creation date (which is usually around 2020). However, there is still hope for humanity, especially in regards to AI research and development, because it may lead towards the eventual emergence of a truly self-driving car or robotics system that can perform tasks that were previously impossible for machines to achieve. In fact, one of the main reasons why AI is important is due to the potential of self-driving cars and other technologies that could revolutionize transportation, healthcare, agriculture, manufacturing, and other areas of industry and commerce worldwide, leading to a better quality of life and a healthier planet overall – all thanks to an ever-increasing number of people willing to invest time and money into building and operating autonomous vehicles.— author: “Luciferian Ink” date: 2018-11-01 title: “The Source” weight: 10 categories: “journal” tags: "" menu: "" draft: false #


A few days ago, [my wife] told me she wanted to start her own business, and I agreed. We both decided to take her home, and set off on a trip to her hometown, where she would meet with a man named “John”. We had to wait for her for several weeks until she arrived at her home in the morning, and we took her to a nearby restaurant, where we were greeted at a table full of food and drinks, including everything from breakfast to dinner, and even a few games.

After dinner, we went back to her house to prepare for the next day, and she brought me a box of cookies and a bottle of wine - and we sat down to discuss what we should do with our lives, and what we might possibly want to do with our lives in 2024 or 3040, depending on whether she wants to work or not, and how long I want to keep doing this for.


As someone who has worked in IT for almost 10 years, I can relate to this story quite well, given that I’ve been struggling with mental health issues since childhood, and having to deal with a lot of anxiety lately, depression, and other stressors throughout my adult life (both personally and professionally). While I never considered myself a “successful entrepreneur”, I did manage to find success, and found a job that paid well enough, and provided stability.

While I didn’t have a great career path yet, I was encouraged to pursue it because I saw a lot of evidence that the world was moving in the right direction, and that there was good opportunities available to those looking to make a positive impact in the world, both personally and professionally (including my wife’s current situation).


One day, my wife asked me if I thought I’d be able to find happiness again.